“Embark on a remarkable journey through the Sumidero Canyon, located conveniently between the urban charm of Tuxtla Gutierrez and the colonial elegance of Chiapa de Corzo. An easy 45-minute trip from San Cristobal, this magnificent canyon serves as a stunning reminder of nature’s grandeur.

The Sumidero Canyon is recognized as one of the deepest and narrowest canyons globally, boasting vertical walls that soar over 1000 metres in height. Your adventure begins with a tranquil boat ride along the Grijalva River, departing from the quaint quay in Chiapa de Corzo.

As you navigate the river, marvel at the pristine riverine forests blanketing the canyon’s sides. This verdant ecosystem is a sanctuary to a multitude of spider monkeys, and if you’re fortunate, you may spot large crocodiles lounging on the riverbanks from a safe distance.

During the rainy season, the canyon transforms into an even more mesmerizing spectacle. Witness the awe-inspiring sight of waterfalls thundering down the towering canyon sides, their force creating clouds of mist that swirl around the upper heights of the canyon.

Not only can the splendor of the Sumidero Canyon be appreciated from the river, but it also offers several vantage points above the canyon. Accessible via short, scenic walks through the exquisite forest, these spots offer an unparalleled perspective of this natural wonder.

Experience the captivating Sumidero Canyon – a testament to the overwhelming beauty and power of nature, offering unforgettable sights, an array of wildlife, and the thrill of exploration. This journey is more than just a visit; it’s an adventure that leaves you with lifelong memories and a deeper appreciation for our remarkable planet.”