Dental Implants Mexico

Are you wondering what dental implants are and how much they cost in Mexico? This article has all the information you need!

It goes without saying that in the last few years, dentistry has seen a revolution in terms of advances, techniques and technology, which has allowed patients to recover their health, esthetics and above all function that they enjoyed before losing all or some of their teeth, more easily and comfortably. With minimally invasive treatments and by avoiding damaging adjacent teeth in the way “dental bridges” did, today “dental implants” have become the number one option when restoring lost teeth.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an attachment made of type IV titanium, (titanium being the material most biocompatible with the human body) in the form of a screw, which is connected to the upper jawbone or mandible and after a waiting period (time in which the bone will unite with the dental implant) the crowns or prosthesis which will substitute the aspect and function of the lost teeth, will be fitted.

Who are candidates for dental implants?

All those people who have lost one, some or all of their teeth. Nonetheless, the professional usually asks for x-rays and tomographic studies to ensure that the patient has the necessary quantity of bone, and even if that is not the case, there are regeneration bone graft techniques, which will allow the dental implant to connect to the bone properly. It is also important to consider that there are few illnesses that can limit the fitting of a dental implant, for example: diabetic patients, who if their illness is controlled and under treatment, can have one or more dental implants fitted with the same predictability of success as a healthy patient with no illness.

Could my body reject a dental implant?

Dental implants have demonstrated success rates that are significantly higher than any other dental replacement option. According to a study at the Queen Mary University in London, it was concluded that dental implants made of titanium offer up to 99% success rates, with a survival rate of more than 10 years.

It is important to take into account that allergic reactions are very rare. In one study carried out by the stomatology department of the University of Seville, Spain, it was determined that of 44,415 dental implants studied only 2.1% of them failed. It is important to take into account that dental implant failure is statistically associated with smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled heart problems bad oral hygiene, defects in bone integration, teeth grinding and healing problems; allergies being the rarest cause of failure. Nevertheless, if any worry exists about a possible reaction to titanium, a zirconium implant could provide an alternative to put your mind at rest

How painful is a dental implant?

The procedure of fitting dental implants is really simple, routine and in the majority of cases only requires a local anesthetic. The majority of patients who have had dental implants fitted have claimed that there were no major annoyances during the procedure, and that during the rest period, which is recommended to be 2 to 3 days, the annoyances that appeared reduced or faded away by taking painkillers and using cold therapy. It is important to mention that a dental implant, once fitted and well integrated into the bone, does not disturb, hurt or sense any stimulant, whether cold or hot or any other that may present itself. 

It is important to take into account that allergic reactions are very rare. In one study carried out by the stomatology department of the University of Seville, Spain, it was determined that of 44,415 dental implants studied only 2.1% of them failed. It is important to take into account that dental implant failure is statistically associated with smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled heart problems bad oral hygiene, defects in bone integration, teeth grinding and healing problems; allergies being the rarest cause of failure. Nevertheless, if any worry exists about a possible reaction to titanium, a zirconium implant could provide an alternative to put your mind at rest

How many days of care will I need after having a dental implant fitted?

You will need at least 2 to 3 days to recover. Necessary care after a dental implant consists of bland food, cold therapy, avoiding exposure to the sun or the sun´s glare; avoiding intense physical activity; and avoiding smoking, drinking or talking excessively. However, there is no problem with carrying out administrative type work even on the same day that the implants are fitted. Once this period has passed, you can go back to normality and continue your day to day activities. 

How long does the procedure last?

The timing of the procedure depends on each case. It could last some minutes if it consists of only one dental implant or it could last some hours if multiple dental implants (between 4 and 8 dental implants) are being fitted. 

How long do dental implants last in your mouth?

It is very important that you know that the durability of this treatment depends on you choosing a specialist in this area so that the whole process is carried out effectively. Secondly, the factors that favor the success of dental implants are the oral care that the patient carries out at home with a correct tooth brushing technique; and periodic visits to the dentist for re-evaluation and maintenance (approximately every 8 months). As long as the patient continues to have good oral health the treatment can last for many years, even your whole life. 

What are the stages when having a dental implant fitted?

Dental implants have to pass through a series of stages up to their final rehabilitation. Here we explain:  

Phase 1: This is the initial stage and its duration is usually brief (one appointment of about one hour) where an initial study of the patient is carried out; general and dental health is evaluated; and x-rays and tomographic (3D) studies are carried out to evaluate the quality and quantity of the patient´s bone; this helps us determine the ideal size and thickness of the dental implant that you need. If necessary, laboratory studies are carried out to ensure a successful procedure. 

Phase 2: The dental implant is fitted under a local anesthetic; the use of conscious sedation is recommended. The procedure is quick and safe; stitches are used and the patient has to wait for between 5 and 7 days to take the stitches out and check that the healing is adequate. After this appointment, the patient will not have to go back to the clinic until 3 months have passed (if it was fitted to the mandible) or 5 months (if the dental implant was fitted to the upper jawbone) because this is the time the implant takes to connect to the bone. 

Phase 3: After the time of bone-integration, a healing pillar will be fitted, which will allow us to have direct access to the dental implant connection, and therefore be able to take the imprint of said dental implant for the fabrication of the prosthesis or tooth that will go over the dental implant. It is important to mention that today this procedure is usually carried out using CAD-CAM technology, which makes for a completely computerized process, rather than manual as was done years ago. Thanks to this system, the dental prosthesis will be ready to be fitted to your mouth after a  mere 24 hours (if it is only one dental implant) , or a few days if we are talking about more complex dental rehabilitations, always seeking a final result that is natural in shape, function, color and esthetics. 

What are the advantages of dental implants?

Losing a tooth is difficult and even more so when it affects a person’s quality of life. Losing teeth means losing confidence when speaking, laughing and communicating; it stops you from biting foods you enjoyed before; it affects your physical and emotional health. That means that having an implant fitted generates important benefits for your physical and mental health, giving back your lost self-esteem.   In terms of the advantages of having a  dental implant fitted, instead of another type of treatment, we can mention the following:  

The dental implant is fixed:

Being fixed, it is the closest thing to a tooth; the appearance and sensation in the mouth is practically identical to a tooth.  

Preservation of adjacent teeth:

There is now no necessity to sculpt adjacent teeth to fit a missing tooth, something that was done before when fitting “fixed bridges”.  

Crowns as unique pieces:

You will be able to pass the dental floss easily, making cleaning more efficient.  

Preservation of the alveolar bone:

Thanks to the fitting of a dental implant, the bone is preserved and avoids deteriorating or being lost with the passage of time. 

  • They last a long time and are very resistant:

Dental implants are secure and when they are made of good quality materials they offer successful and long-lasting treatment.  

  • Avoiding movement of adjacent teeth:

When one tooth is lost the others look for contact; that is why they start to become displaced affecting occlusion (how you bite) and dental function. When the implant is fitted in the space the adjacent teeth maintain their position. 

  • Regaining complete  functionality and esthetic of your mouth:

The patient can regain lost teeth, improving their physical aspect in front of others and their quality of life when eating, talking and communicating.  


  • Improving a patient´s mood:

Losing teeth, especially the front ones brings emotional problems that make the patient stop feeling comfortable with their smile; recovering them makes smiling possible again.  

What materials are dental implants made of?
And which should I choose?

Dental implants have evolved with the passage of time and their characteristics have improved with the purpose of facilitating their similarity to bone. These days the best materials for making dental implants are Titanium type IV and zirconium. We will tell you about their particular characteristics and qualities.  

Dental implants made of titanium: 

Titanium is the most widely used material and the first choice for the making of dental implants, due to its chemical properties make this material biocompatible with bone and gums meaning the body rarely rejects it. In addition, its resistance, durability and being light weight make it appropriate for cases where one or multiple teeth need to be regained or when specific angles are needed for the rehabilitation of the prosthesis 

Many patients are afraid of dental implant failure due to allergies that can present themselves because of the metal; nonetheless, the probability of these reactions happening is almost zero. In such cases of hyper-sensitivity to titanium, there are implants free of metallic agents, for example zirconium

Dental implants made of Zirconium:

Zirconium is a material that is biocompatible with oral tissues. Its principal advantages are that it has low bacterial attraction; it is very strong; it is resistant to fractures; and it copes with wear and tear and corrosion. Additionally its color favors more esthetic prosthesis; nevertheless, currently clinical indications are limited compared todental implants made of titanium. The current use of ceramic dental implants as a solution to tooth loss is principally for cases in which only one tooth is to be replaced, which creates a huge disadvantage for those who need   multiple dental implants. Another important point is that the only way to rehabilitate these dental implants is with cemented rather than screwed in crowns. Therefore if one case needs multiple implants or a specific angle, the clinic should opt for one made of titanium.  

What kinds of prosthesis can be fitted on a dental implant?

The kind of rehabilitation will be different for each patient, depending on their necessities and dentist´s indications; that is why it is important for you to know the possibilities that exist with this treatment:  

Dental implants to replace one tooth:

An easy and quick treatment, as one implant is fitted for the missing tooth and an independent crown over the top.  

  • Dental implants as pillars of fixed bridges:

Sometimes when more than 3 teeth are missing, it can be possible to fit two dental implants as “prosthesis pillars” for the fitting of a fixed bridge. This depends on each case, depending on the necessities and possibilities of each patient.  

Dental implants to fit several teeth:

Dental implants can fixedly support complete upper or lower arches. In these cases 4 to 6 dental implants will be necessary to support all the missing teeth in each dental arch, highlighting that this depends on the clinical diagnosis and possibilities of the patient. 

Dental implants to support removable dentures:

Sometimes dental implants can be very helpful to improve support given by complete removable plates; they make them more comfortable, efficient and healthy. Conventional complete plates are supported by the bone, accelerating the loss of the same over time. Fitting supportive dental implants means that the removable prosthesis is supported by them and preserves the surrounding bone. 


The cost for each dental implant is $17,300 Mexican pesos.
It should be stressed that the cost of the tooth Crown over the implant, will be extra, a cost of $17,300 Mexican pesos per tooth. 

   *The costs for multiple implants with restoration of several teeth, are different from the costs of an implant and a single prosthesis.

Is it safe to have dental prosthesis and implants fitted in Mexico?

All the materials used during the procedure are of high quality and certified at a global level. It is therefore possible to obtain affordable and quality dental care in Mexico, seeing as we have training comparable to foreign dentists, We have strict regulations for patient care; these regulations verify that every dentist has sterilization areas, use of barriers, cleanliness, disinfection of instruments and common areas, following the same hygiene guidelines as abroad, meaning that having dental implants in our clinic is safe. In addition, the brands of dental implants and accessories that are fitted are known worldwide. If you are a foreigner and your dental implant  needs maintenance, you can have it done in your country, seeing as the accessories of those brands are easily obtained in all first world countries. In addition to this, the making of dental prosthesis on dental implants are carried out using CAD-CAM technology and digital design, meaning that the prosthesis are more precise. Having our own dental laboratory we can be sure of the detail and quality of rehabilitation. It is important to highlight that the climatic conditions in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas favor a better recovery due to being a place with a cold climate, in contrast to places where higher temperatures, such as at the beach, mean that recovery is less comfortable, longer and more complicated.  

How many visits will you need to carry out the procedure?

You will need at least 3 appointments: the first one is the clinical evaluation and radiographies; the second could be the next day when the dental implants you need are fitted; and the third will be between 5 and 7 days after the procedure to take out stitches and evaluate if healing is adequate. After these appointments you will have to wait between 3 and 6 months to start prosthesis rehabilitation. This is why you will not need to come to the clinic until this period of time has passed.  

How much time will you need in the city?

The time you will need in the city is between 5 and 7 days. Afterwards you will be able to fly to your country of origin and return to the clinic after 3 to 6 months in order to fit the final prosthesis.  

Does medical insurance in the United States and Canada cover implants?

Depending on your plan, it is possible to use Canadian or US dental insurance in Mexico; nevertheless, you should make sure that your plan covers dentists outside your national network, meaning that it is advisable to communicate with your dental insurance provider to reassure yourself and resolve doubts about having dental implants treatments in Mexico. 

How does my dental insurance work in Mexico?

Before coming to Mexico, you should contact your dental insurance provider to verify that your plan covers dentists outside your country’s network. 
Before having treatment, you should inform us that you plan on presenting a claim for dental expenses.  
After having the treatment you needed, you should ask the dentist for a receipt of dental expenses or ask them to fill in the dental expenses claim form so that your insurance provider reimburses the money spent on your treatment. 
Remember that when seeking dental care outside your country, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary documentation for the services obtained; present a claim with your dental insurance provider and pay the dentist at the moment you obtain the service. 

What types of medical insurance cover dental implants?

If it is a PPO dental plan, it will cover dental implants treatments carried out outside the US. Some insurers that cover these services by dentists outside the network are Delta Dental, Aetna, Cigna and MetLife.
This insurance is efficient for claiming reimbursement for dental costs; however, they do not pay the dentist in Mexico directly; rather they directly reimburse the patient. That is why we will help you to fill in the reimbursement forms and we will give you what you need in order to get your dental reimbursement from your dental insurance. 

HMO or PPO dental plan?

HMO plans can be more affordable because they require you to see the dentists within the network to be covered. The majority of these plans will only cover services outside the network in the case of an emergency or when obliged to by law. On the other hand, a PPO dental plan allows you to see any licensed dentist, within or outside the network. Do not worry that you will pay more if you see a dentist outside the network, seeing as costs in Mexico continue to be less compared to those in the United States, even when you use the network coverage insurance. That is why we recommend that you investigate the plan that most suits your dental needs.