Have you ever wondered what you would look like with a perfect smile?

One of the most popular options are dental veneers, since in a matter of hours we can improve the appearance, shape and color of your teeth, our patients have been satisfied with the results obtained in less than 24 hours, in addition to that at Salud Oral Centro Dental we offer affordable prices to make dental aesthetics an affordable option for everyone.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin ceramic sheets that adhere to the front of the teeth, allowing the color and shape of the teeth to be modified, without the need for invasive wear.

Who are candidates for dental veneers?

  • All those patients who want better aesthetics for their teeth.
  • Healthy patients with absence of periodontitis (dental mobility)
  • Patients who have used orthodontics and want to improve the shape of their teeth.
  • Patients who wish to further lighten the tone of their teeth.

What advantages do dental veneers have?

  • We can modify the color of teeth that are stained, obtaining teeth with a more natural or whiter color.
  • We can modify the shape of poorly positioned teeth so that they look harmonious in the mouth.
  • We can restore very worn teeth or teeth with minimal fractures.
  • The treatment is minimally invasive compared to dental crowns.

What material are dental veneers made of? and how are they manufactured?

Dental veneers are manufactured through a system called CAD CAM, which is based on scanning and digital design through 3D software, in order for a robot to sculpt in a cube of porcelain (lithium disilicate). , material with which dental veneers are made and can be placed in 24 hours.

Lithium disilicate is a high-resistance ceramic material, very similar to tooth enamel, it is highly translucent and we have a wide range of colors to ensure a good aesthetic result.

To get dental veneers, do my teeth have to wear down a lot?

The answer is no. This procedure is minimally invasive. As we explained previously, dental veneers are very thin, which is why the wear must be conservative. In fact, the wear is so minimal that sometimes anesthesia is not needed during the procedure.

How long does this treatment last in my mouth?

It is important that you know that the success of dental veneers lies in them being performed by a specialist in the area, who studies your case and plans the procedure. You should also know that you will have to follow certain care after placing the dental veneers, For example:

  • Go to regular dental check-up appointments and dental cleanings every 6 – 8 months.
  • Hard foods such as peanuts, ice or seeds pose a risk to dental veneers, which can peel off and even break. We recommend taking special care when eating this type of food and trying to chop the food beforehand.
  • Perform a good tooth brushing technique, use cleaning aids such as: dental floss, fluoridated toothpastes, rinses and interproximal brushes.
    By following these recommendations, dental veneers can remain in your mouth for more than 10 years or even a lifetime.

How is it the procedure?

At our dental aesthetic clinic in Chiapas, we focus on providing a comfortable and safe experience for our patients. First you must request a general evaluation appointment where we will analyze the conditions of your teeth, gums and bone, this in order to ensure that the teeth are healthy and do not need additional treatments prior to the placement of dental veneers. Our specialists will make sure to explain each step of the procedure in detail so that you feel informed and calm at all times.

Once we make sure that the conditions are suitable for you, we will take initial intraoral and extraoral photographs, in order to keep a record of your treatment and thus be able to show you all those changes and improvements that we will make to your teeth, we will also take physical records , as well as digital to start with the design of your future dental veneers. We will listen to and take into account your needs and opinions regarding shape and color in order to meet the expectations of your future smile.

In a second appointment we will begin with dental carving, in some cases and depending on each patient as the preparation is minimally invasive, the placement of anesthesia is not necessary.

We know that visiting the dentist can be stressful, which is why we recommend the use of conscious sedation, which is a technique where nitrous oxide is used in combination with oxygen through a nasal mask in order to reduce anxiety, stress, keeping your breathing, pulse and blood pressure stable, this technique allows the experience in the office to be more enjoyable and comfortable for you.

After dental carving, we will take physical and digital impressions to make dental veneers in our own dental laboratory. For this reason, we will place temporary dental veneers (designed from the first appointment), this will allow us to show you a first glimpse of how you will look with your future dental veneers. It is very important that at this moment you tell us what you would like to change regarding the color. , the shape, the size and thus consider your opinions in the manufacture of the definitive dental veneers.

Once the changes have been decided, the records will be sent to our dental laboratory to begin manufacturing your dental veneers. At Oral Health Dental Center we have unique technology in the state (3D design and printing) allowing us to design, manufacture and place the veneers. dental veneers in 24 hours.

Don't wait any longer to transform your smile. Schedule a consultation at Dentist in Mexico, located in the beautiful magical town of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. And let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams.