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A journey into the clouds.

As well as being a beautiful city, its location is unsurpassed.

From the hot state capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the highway climbs over 1,500 meters up into the “Los Altos de Chiapas”  (Chiapas Highlands) , rising above the clouds and intertwining between a mosaic of small Mayan Indian  cornfields and verdant pine and cloud forest, enshrouded in a blanket of swirling mist. After about 30 minutes journey you begin to descend down to the Valley of Jovel and San Cristobal, entering a region which is one of the  most culturally diverse in all of Latin America, inhabited by the Tzotzil, Tzental, Chol and Tolojobal Mayan indian groups, who still preserve many of their  pre-hispanic traditions and cosmovision.

San Cristobal, at a height of 2,200m, is completely surrounded by stunning mountains covered by pine and forest .  The highest peaks such as the extinct Huitepec volcano form islands of rare cloud forest which are home to many endemic species.  A small distance beyond the mountains, you will find many and fascinating  Indian villages such as San Juan Chamula, Zinacantan or Tenejapa


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