“Not only is San Cristobal a beautiful city, but its unique location makes it a perfect destination for dental vacations in Mexico.

Ascending over 1,500 meters from the warm state capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez, you’ll traverse the Chiapas Highlands, or “Los Altos de Chiapas,” as you journey above the clouds. The route is lined with small Mayan Indian cornfields and vibrant pine and cloud forests, all cloaked in a swirling mist. This awe-inspiring half-an-hour journey leads you to the culturally rich Valley of Jovel and San Cristobal.

San Cristobal, a city nestled 2,200m high and completely surrounded by stunning mountains, offers more than just picturesque vistas. It also serves as a center for excellent dental care, where you can access comprehensive dental rehabilitation packages or dental implants while soaking up the cultural richness of Mexico.


This region is one of the most culturally diverse in all of Latin America, home to the Tzotzil, Tzental, Chol, and Tolojobal Mayan Indian groups, who continue to preserve their pre-Hispanic traditions.

The city is nestled amidst stunning mountains blanketed by pine and forest. High peaks, such as the extinct Huitepec volcano, host rare cloud forests teeming with endemic species. And just beyond these mountains, you can discover fascinating Indian villages like San Juan Chamula, Zinacantan, or Tenejapa, rounding off your dental vacation with rich cultural experiences.”

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