What is Teeth Whitening?

This treatment makes your smile more attractive, eliminating stains, pigmentations, or any yellow coloration on your teeth, giving them a whiter and more youthful appearance.

Today, teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after treatments, as a form of self-care and personal esthetic.

Dental Procedure US PricesSalud Oral PreferredSAVINGSADA Code
Dental cleaning and Whitennig.
General dental cleaning adult270130-52%D1110
Boost Whitenning both arch732220-70%D9972

how to get dental work in mexico

Easy, fast and safe.

Today, teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after treatments, as a form of self-care and personal esthetics. Thanks to new whitening systems, one can obtain optimal, long-lasting and sure results in only one hour. 

Teeth-whitening at the best Price – quality in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Tuxtla and Comitán, Chiapas.

We have carried out more than 350 teeth-whitening procedures.

Dr. Jose has been doing teeth-whitening procedures for more than 15 years. Thanks to all this time, he has been able to develop a simple, quick and safe technique.


More than 40 years of experience in dentistry.

With highly predictable results, these years of experience have allowed him to test distinct whitening systems. 


How long will a teeth-whitening treatment last?

This depends on how well the patient looks after their teeth.

Habits such as smoking, drinking large quantities of coffee, tea, sodas, etc. can significantly reduce the duration of whitening. 

An approximate duration time is between three and four years, after a touch-up is required, so that your teeth continue to shine and look attractive.


Are you ready to improve your oral health with us?

Book an appointment with us today and reserve a spot
best dental work in mexico

Have you had your teeth whitened?

Follow this advice.
Does teeth withening hurt?
Most patients that have their teeth whitened do not suffer any pain or discomfort after treatment. Among the few that do, the most common source of discomfort is teeth sensitivity, which can be avoided by taking a pain-killer. This increased sensitivty is temporary, and at most lasts only a few days.   

best dental work in mexico
dental vacations mexico

Benefits of COLD weather

Placing a dental implant is a procedure that is easier in a cool climate than a hot one

Heat can produce inflammation, which slows healing, and can make you, the patient, feel less comfortable in a hotter climate than you would be in a colder one. 

Colonial jewel + agreeable weather

“The most magical of the pueblos mágicos of Mexico”

Almost all year round, the climate is temperate, allowing you to spend pleasant days and nights appreciating the artistic, cultural, and culinary life of what we consider to be the Colonial Jewel of Mexico.

Do you want to solve all your dental issues in a single place?

Everything begins with an intake appointment

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